Saturday, December 1, 2007

Homosexuals Agenda Wicked

THE CANADIAN PRESS CALGARY -- A human rights panel says an Alberta man and a group called the Concerned Christian Coalition broke the province's human rights law by writing a letter that likely exposed gays to hatred and contempt. The letter, written by Stephen Boissoin in 2002 when he was a member of the coalition, was published in the Red Deer Advocate newspaper. The letter was entitled "Homosexual agenda wicked" and suggested gays are as immoral as pedophiles, drug dealers and pimps.

** A break here for word play! How many different ways can we read that title? **

1. Homosexual Agenda Wicked ("Listen up, concerned citizens! Homosexual people have an agenda and it is evil.")

2. Homosexual! Agenda?! Wicked! ("I'm homosexual. I have an agenda? I'm stoked about that! It is radically awesome!"

3. Homosexual Agenda: Wicked. ("Welcome, homosexuals. Is everyone here? Great. As scheduled, we'll start off by discussing the hit Broadway musical..."

4. Homosexual! Agenda - Wicked! (Hey, look, over there, a homosexual! I shall change my mindset and intentions to wicked mode!")

Judging by the body of the letter, its author was probably intending the first interpretation. But maybe not. This could all be one big misunderstanding.

Actual article at:


Anonymous said...


I never wrote the letter and was unaware of it until it was published.

However, since you seem to make comments about me, please be aware unless you apologize and retract you will be facing legal action.

Craig Chandler

Anonymous said...

Wow, where did she even mention your name there?

Are you googling yourself?

Anonymous said...

Lol, intertoob suit.