Tuesday, December 18, 2007

gambling, new cute things, and relatives who won't go away

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Researchers in a remote jungle in Indonesia have discovered a giant rat and a tiny possum that are apparently new to science.

“It’s comforting to know that there is a place on Earth so isolated that it remains the absolute realm of wild nature," said expedition leader Bruce Beehler.

"Now we're going to helicopter in and clearcut a spot for a research centre."

The possum was described as “one of the worlds smallest marsupials.”

Sadly, now Paris Hilton wants one.

Loto-Quebec, the Atlantic Lottery Corp. and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. have teamed up with researchers at McGill University to urge parents to avoid giving their children lottery tickets as Christmas presents.

Oh way to go, guys. The kids didn't even want lottery tickets until you said they were bad.

LONDON - Britain may start requiring residents to pay deposits when their non-European Union family members visit - refundable only when the relatives go home, - according to a government proposal aimed at tightening borders and eliminating illegal immigration.

If you don't feel like returning them yourself, if you live downtown you can just leave them on the curb. According to the deposit structure, relatives under 50 kgs would hardly be worth returning, but the bigger ones will be attractive targets for relative-pickers. Then they can be recycled into something useful.

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