Wednesday, May 7, 2008

lacrosse moonings, beer coffins, broken windows and immigration

A Chicago Heights man had a coffin custom-made to resemble a huge can of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

Oh, you may think it’s not classy, but I think it’s just as nice as those coffins custom-made to look like import beers.

DENVER — An inmate in handcuffs and shackles was seriously injured when he jumped through a closed window in a third-floor courtroom where he was facing assault charges.

A police official says it’s not clear whether the man was trying to escape, commit suicide, or assault the window.

A special immigration unit created to track alleged human rights violators from foreign nations is continuing to aggressively pursue individuals who seek refuge in the U.S., according to Senior U.S. Homeland Security official Julie Myers.
"Our goal is to make sure the United States is not a safe haven for human rights violators," Myers said.

"Except ours."

ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Thirteen members of a high school lacrosse team have been disciplined for baring their bottoms to display the question: "Will You Go To The Prom With Me? Yes or No?" on their backsides, revealing during a game. Carolyn Campbell accepted the invitation by patting the back of the player who displayed the word "Yes."

The girl said that the method of communication is naughtily amusing at a football game, but frustratingly slow and kind of awkward when they go out for dinner.

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