Monday, November 3, 2008

Jokes: human/animal hybrids, dinosaur dances, and nasty bloggers

Geologists say they have discovered prehistoric animal tracks so densely packed on a 3/4-acre site that they’re calling it a “dinosaur dance floor.”

And now we know what next summer’s crappy computer-animated Disney film is going to be about.

LONDON – British government overhauled sensitive science laws to allow scientists to use hybrid animal-human embryos. Also under the new laws: in-vitro fertilization clinics will no longer have to consider the need for a child to have a father when deciding whether to offer treatment to lesbian couples.

Yes, it’s good that they’re finally through debating the role of a father in a child’s life, now that they have to start debating the role of a cow.

NASA administrator Michael Griffin said critics in the media and on anonymous Internet blogs can "chip away" at morale by questioning the motives and ethics of engineers designing a next-generation rocket system.

Okay, I’m no rocket scientist, but even I know that telling anonymous internet bloggers that they have destructive power will not make them stop.

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