Upon hearing that I would be driving from Calgary to Toronto with a friend who was moving east, my grandmother told me that she would envy my experience of fall colors. Autumn in Alberta is lovely, but we do miss out almost entirely on the reds of the fall spectrum, including maples.
Another rarity in Alberta that is plentiful here: brick. Here on the Canadian Shield brick is handy and buildings are all the more beautiful for it. Even new suburbs feel less sterile here, more homey and substantial for being only partially covered in aluminum siding.
I can't resist a few posts counting the many ways I love the classic homes I'm seeing on my daily jogs through my temporary home neighborhood. To begin, doorways framed in stone:
Bonus points if the door isn't standard rectangular:
No bonus points if your beautifully framed door is excessively cluttered with wreath, planters, and lamps:
Aww, who am I kidding? I can't stay mad at you.
you guys don't have brick or maple trees? WEIRD! i like your blog. any luck with the G.I.Julia shirts?
I love your sense of perception, and how observant you are! You see beauty where most would just walk by - inspirational. :)
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