Friday, November 23, 2007

jokes: sex and drugs and hazing

A 13-year-old girl was among four people charged with cocaine offences in Bonnyville near Edmonton on Tuesday night.

You know, in these times of instant gratification, it’s refreshing to see the kids taking a break from meth to go back to the classics.

AMARILLO, Texas - A subdivision in Amarillo, Tex., has barred convicted sex offenders from owning or living in any new homes.

The new community would be totally safe if the rec centre would just fall into line and stop allowing homeless drifters to coach soccer.

MONTREAL - Quebec police union president Jean Beaudoin says he has no idea how the traditional police rookie initiation evening might have brought calls for investigation of hazing.

One potential cause of the complaints? The best-selling “Mounties Gone Wild” videos.

Beaudoin defends the initiation, saying it consists of an evening of drinking and horsing around and ends with a single firm pat on the buttocks with a clipboard.

…from a prostitute, while bound to chair with the recruit’s brand-new handcuffs, high on power and the cocaine that kickbacks bought.

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